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About Us

Embodied Creation

We’re a theatre and embodiment company that seeks to create a community of vibrant, creative humans. Run by husband and wife team Brad and Mariel Golden, Marigolden makes its magic happen in Oceanside, California.


We believe:

+ Creativity is central to the human experience. All the world is a stage.


+ When we step into our own bodies, we step into our power. Seek embodiment and watch amazing things happen.


+ Art is for everyone. Speak, dance, sing, write, draw, be human.


Our Story

Inspired by a concept coined by Jennifer Gonzalez called "The Marigold Effect," we seek to support others as they grow into their brightest, most authentic selves.


To quote Gonzalez:


"Many experienced gardeners follow a concept called companion planting: placing certain vegetables and plants near each other to improve growth for one or both plants. For example, rose growers plant garlic near their roses because it repels bugs and prevents fungal diseases. Among companion plants, the marigold is one of the best: It protects a wide variety of plants from pests and harmful weeds. If you plant a marigold beside most any garden vegetable, that vegetable will grow big and strong and healthy, protected and encouraged by its marigold."

Meet The Team

(442) 222-1170

Oceanside, CA 92054

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